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November 29, 2016


Dan Fisher

This is a terrific piece. I've harbored many of the same thoughts and ideas but you have presented them far more eloquently than I ever could. I absolutely agree with you and share your optimism for the future. I would like to offer an analogy of my own in reference to the influence of Cloud. I point to the assembly line process of the early 20th century. Henry Ford did not invent the continuous-flow process, but he did improve it, popularize it, and demonstrated its value to manufacturing. As a result, most manufacturers adopted it as the new way of doing things (http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fords-assembly-line-starts-rolling). As a result, within 20 years any manufacturer that was not using the assembly line was not in business (https://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-work-organization-648000/The-assembly-line#ref539120). I think cloud (and the cloud operating model) is that disruptive of an influence to IT, but I also feel that it won’t take 20 yrs to have the impact felt. Change is essential, cloud is the new change, and both the technologies and work force will be impacted. We talk a lot about the changes in technology, so thank you for reminding us that there is a human element too.

Michael Endrizzi

Great piece.

Physical infrastructure people are going away along with the industries that support it as businesses collapse their data centers into centralized clouds.

Other than that, there will always be customers wanting yet another shiny button on their webpage page....just like Americans who continue to eat more donuts and endlessly consume health services.


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Chuck Hollis

  • Chuck Hollis
    SVP, Oracle Converged Infrastructure Systems

    Chuck now works for Oracle, and is now deeply embroiled in IT infrastructure.

    Previously, he was with VMware for 2 years, and EMC for 18 years before that, most of them great.

    He enjoys speaking to customer and industry audiences about a variety of technology topics, and -- of course -- enjoys blogging.

    Chuck lives in Vero Beach, FL with his wife and four dogs when he's not traveling. In his spare time, Chuck is working on his second career as an aging rock musician.

    Warning: do not ever buy him a drink when there is a piano nearby.

    Note: these are my personal views, and aren't reviewed or approved by my employer.
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