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August 24, 2016


matt reese

Interesting article though. Like Sun did in the 90s and early 00s, building HWD where solutions run better is the key. Delivering solution is key. If you are just delivering a VM, not sure there will be a seat at the table. It's as you say, a race to the bottom.

That said, I dispute the statement that Public Cloud is cheapest. If you are running temporary jobs, maybe. But certainly it isn't when you need something all the time. Biggest fear with Public Cloud isn't security or costs, its how do I get my data out of there. It's like IBM of the 90's and '00s, you can check out but you can never leave.

Owen Bir

I find that very interesting considering the sheer number of HCI companies Cisco has courted and collaborated with over the past 3-4 years, including failed bids for HCI sweetheart Nutanix.

Sergio Pardos

I am an avid follower your blog since the days you worked for EMC. In general I pretty much agree with your vision, but here I have to strongly disagree with one of your statements, the one regarding mainframes: Mainframes (and by mainframes I mean IBM z's) are not in the same bag than UNIX, bare metal or x86 servers. In fact, mainframes are in its own bag them alone. Today's world most mission critical workloads usually run in a mainframe, and is hard to think that , lets say, Citibank, will have its core banking transactional environments running on Amazon, not in the short term at least. Just my two cents.

Chuck Hollis

I think Cisco's actions are quite rational.

As they have zero presence in storage, any gains through a hyperconverged offering are incremental and might even help sell more of their UCS servers.

Whether they (or anyone else in the category) can make a sustainable business out of it is really the question.


-- Chuck

Chuck Hollis

Hi Sergio. I agree. Not fair to lump them in with all those other architectures.

That being said, I was hoping to make a distinction between "generic infrastructure for generic workloads" and "differentiated infrastructure for differentiated workloads".

And mainframes are very, very differentiated.

-- Chuck

Bernard Wheeler

Chuck, as a fellow Oracle employee I (naturally!) agree with a lot of what you say, but I have to add that in practice I find a lot of IT managers are not as discerning as you seem to hope. The reality is that they spend fortunes on their virtualisation estates, more on trying to rectify the hotch-potch of hardware they had lying around to host it (which is where HCI comes in) and then feel they have to justify all that spending by putting EVERY workload in their Data Center into that virtual morass - whether that's the right place for it or not. Just because you can, it doesn't make it right.

People are more careful about their tea and coffee than their IT estates. They know that tea needs boiling water, but that boiling water ruins good coffee. So getting a 'hyper-converged beverage infrastructure' that purports to make any hot drink you like without actually differentiating between them is only going to produce mediocre results across the board. And if it's only meant to be a budget/convenience device (given the quality of output), then they'll only pay a budget/convenience price.

But like I say, I don't see that discretion so much in IT.

Jaymes Davis

I would like to open the opportunity of rationalization breeds innovation concept into the mix. I agree with some of the points and in the sense of the article entirely. Hence why my comment I believe and I'm a little biased with both being a consultant and an Innovation Officer I believe we are just starting to see the effects of the hyperconvergence conversation. I think in reality as the climax of the story comes into focus we start having hope again based on what the outcomes of the end could be hoping for the surprise. I have seen the innovation of VDI take a leap because of Hyperconvergence. My team and I have recently released a set of Desktop Appliances that create a Decentralized compute model for VDI while maintaining a centralized management. This type of innovation starts to allow VDI to take advantage of the capabilities of today's Consumer technologies like "Broadband speeds" , WIMAX and and virtualization to verse traditional VDI (Centralized compute) and leased lines into a Datacenter. As well the ability of the workload optimization is key when applied to desktop virtualization because that's what makes "PC" personal computing personal. Being able to get the resources you need when you need it our platform was designed with that in mind because we focused on other technologies that can now be placed into a single form factor appliance verse just storage , similar to your statement over ODA - unfair advantage - or giving your customers what they want.. that innovation on these new Hyperconvergence platforms are the next step as the integration of Hyperconvergence and IOT start bringing true utility computing into focus as "purpose built" appliances start interacting with "enchanted IOT objects" like Raspberry PI devices it democratizes computing to the point of a utility. So I think Hyperconvergence is like the lord of the rings after three hours you cant believe it has a part two and three !

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Chuck Hollis

  • Chuck Hollis
    SVP, Oracle Converged Infrastructure Systems

    Chuck now works for Oracle, and is now deeply embroiled in IT infrastructure.

    Previously, he was with VMware for 2 years, and EMC for 18 years before that, most of them great.

    He enjoys speaking to customer and industry audiences about a variety of technology topics, and -- of course -- enjoys blogging.

    Chuck lives in Vero Beach, FL with his wife and four dogs when he's not traveling. In his spare time, Chuck is working on his second career as an aging rock musician.

    Warning: do not ever buy him a drink when there is a piano nearby.

    Note: these are my personal views, and aren't reviewed or approved by my employer.
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