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August 16, 2012



Looks great. What I will be looking forward to in future would be:
1) Cost
2) Any actual performance figures
3) Comparison with say a simple VNX with all SSDs
4) Reliability???
5) Additional features - remote replication, application integration capabilities
6) Would it make sense to put all data on SSDs or maybe just a fraction of required capacity on SSDs/PCI based cache, sacrifice maybe a 0.5 to 1ms of response time but save on cost!!!!

Chuck Hollis

The product isn't formally announced yet or widely available, which is when you'll get all those useful details. This is just a preview.


Fantastic content Chuck. One comment in regards to 1x1's with XtremIO - the team has been receiving such attention they let me gather high value influencers by facilitating two exclusive meetups.

Internal employees get a session on Tuesday you can RSVP to here: http://twvt.us/xtremIO

Customers and partners can show interest to Wednesday's offering here: http://twvt.us/xtremIOvm12

Looking forward Project X seeing the light of day!


K Herbst

Hello Chuck,

It is true that XtremIO seems to be a good solution to solve many business critical situation. Of course under EMC arms, I can't imagine that XtremIO will not be part of intelligent data placement feature that will allow automatically write the data in the right storage support.This is the key success of any sensitive customer datacenter.



greg schulz

Hello Chuck enjoyed your good post and coverage of project X.

However you bring up a good point about how the industry in general likes to focus on the hardware vs. the software. Keep in mind that you cant have software without hardware (even in software defined hardware - SDH environments ;) ) or hardware without software, they rely on each other. Granted ability to leverage more common components is a good thing that get their value added via software, firmware, etc which as you point out deserves more coverage.

That focus on software vs. hardware however can start with the vendors as well as others who blog, write, speak, present opine or whine about related themes. In that spirit, why then did you spend so much coverage (granted its cool and I really enjoyed it) on the number and type of processors/cores which is hardware? ;)...

Perhaps see you next week at vmworld, hope all is well, cheers - gs

Chuck Hollis

Hi Greg

Good point you make, they work together. The cool scale-out dedupe storage stack couldn't do what it does without a beefy computing complex, of course. But all that cool compute wouldn't be interesting unless it could harnessed to do something useful and interesting, etc. etc.

Not going to be at VMworld this year -- duties elsewhere -- but it should be a great time for all. Hope all is well with you.

-- Chuck

Manu V Batura

Hello Chuck,

Now are interesting times for being able to witness a disruption caused by 'all-flash' products. Ofcourse price point and easy transition path will be the deciding factors here. Thanks for the nice article.

-- Manu

CTO Chief

EMC has parches 70 companies since 200." Shouldn't this be ... "According to an article published on the Boston.com website, EMC has purchased 70 companies since 2000." ?

If you would like to be credible, your articles should be properly proof read.

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Chuck Hollis

  • Chuck Hollis
    SVP, Oracle Converged Infrastructure Systems

    Chuck now works for Oracle, and is now deeply embroiled in IT infrastructure.

    Previously, he was with VMware for 2 years, and EMC for 18 years before that, most of them great.

    He enjoys speaking to customer and industry audiences about a variety of technology topics, and -- of course -- enjoys blogging.

    Chuck lives in Vero Beach, FL with his wife and four dogs when he's not traveling. In his spare time, Chuck is working on his second career as an aging rock musician.

    Warning: do not ever buy him a drink when there is a piano nearby.

    Note: these are my personal views, and aren't reviewed or approved by my employer.
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