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December 04, 2007


Dan Pancamo

You on the right thought path with NAS and Vmware... We are not just starting to see the benifits of NAS, we are over a year into it...

Here's a list of NFS benefits that we currently enjoy:


I hope we will soon see new protocols like NFS-RDMA take over as the perferred protocol for vmware...

And I hope to see cluster NAS systems (like Isilon) catch on...

eric zappia

Just a question...do you know the percentage of time that EMC storage is attached in a VMWare environt? I hear something like 65% of the time storage is introduced in an EMC envirionment it's EMC product? Can it really be that high?

Chuck Hollis


I've seen 2 or 3 different surveys, none of them perfect, attach rates ranging from the low 30s to over 50%.

I think the variances have to do with which segment of the market is being surveyed.

Bottom line -- we have healthy attach rates in VMware environments, something we work to earn each and every day.

Linux VPS

Which is better Xen or VMware? Does Xen have an open source backend for user-based access and maintenance?

Also is there any backend for managing Xen with user-based access rights?

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Chuck Hollis

  • Chuck Hollis
    SVP, Oracle Converged Infrastructure Systems

    Chuck now works for Oracle, and is now deeply embroiled in IT infrastructure.

    Previously, he was with VMware for 2 years, and EMC for 18 years before that, most of them great.

    He enjoys speaking to customer and industry audiences about a variety of technology topics, and -- of course -- enjoys blogging.

    Chuck lives in Vero Beach, FL with his wife and four dogs when he's not traveling. In his spare time, Chuck is working on his second career as an aging rock musician.

    Warning: do not ever buy him a drink when there is a piano nearby.

    Note: these are my personal views, and aren't reviewed or approved by my employer.
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