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June 27, 2007



Nice post! You have said it very well. Keep going.

Michael Hasbany

Nice perspective. We (sales professionals in IT) sometimes get caught up trying to solve a 90-180 day problem for clients based upon quarter cycles and have difficulty organizing a long term strategy of products around VMWare. This is a great tie in that relates to the sales and technical folks steering customers initiatives in any IT org.



Nick Jones

Chuck, I ve seen customers take months evaluating VMWare, and only recently does it seem to be taken seriously.

I still see customers running "heavy" apps on dedicated hardware though and I hope that this will change as it reduces the impact of the virtualisation message.

Keep up the good work,


Chuck Hollis

Hi Nick

Very good point.

At one time, I believed that "heavy" applications, e.g. ones that consume a large server, weren't a target for server virtualization, mostly because the "consolidation rationale" wasn't there.

But since, I've come to believe that the management benefits associated with VMware can stand on their own, even for heavy apps.

Encapsulating an important app as a virtual machine means it can be moved from place to place at will, either dynamically (think DRS), or to-and-from a test/dev environment (think Lab Manager).

And, interestingly enough, I've started to meet my first few customers who feel the same way -- they're starting to encapsulate some of their heavier apps, and are justifying it simply on accelerated maintenance and management savings.

We'll see if we see more of this going forward, won't we?

Thanks for writing!

Tarry Singh

And as Chuck said and I believe that we shouldn't undermine the cost savings! I did a project last year and proposed 20% savings. I showed it and "middle-managers" had issues with that. (Whatever it may have been) and the information/report was not pushed up to the senior management.

The "old school" ITIL and Change Management need to be revised, rewritten whatever. I'll call it BTIL (Business Technology), we need to address the needs of the clients. What I notice myself is that an optimally functioning Virtualized infrastructure brings "passionate and creative" people together. And they are everywhere. They are your clients, the server guys, everyone!

About heavy apps, I spoke to a shop (gov shop) last week and they had Oracle on VMware. Performance problems and vendor blamed it on VMware. VMware's expert came in and pinpointed it to the application. I personally believe that , if carefully tested, even Oracle RAC can run pretty well on VMware (ESX).

So what I notice is:
o Lack of an active community (Not anymore:Glad that VMware has started the initiative http://wwwa.vmware.com/www/wiki/)
o Commitment from top (CIO's should play a very active role)
o Lack of critical information*

* = We eventually started with the project but all the collected data was never considered, fortunately in this case I am heading the operation (and evangelizing it within the Server Division and outside to the clients as well!). They did it because I kept hammering.
Normally clients like these end up going over the project budget in all kinds of consultancy where they don't have consultants on "tap" but (sadly) on *top*.

Kyle O'Campo

Nice article here! I really have to agree with you when you talk about ITIL and how incorporating that into network automation means things go from hours to minutes. I know of a few companies who do it the “old school” way and they are always trying to improve application availability but with little success.

I see that you also make some very valid points on why people providing IT service, http://www.stratavia.com should take a look at and implement run book automation. Things change very quickly in a networks environment and to have human hands in the mix is really a waste of time these days. If a network is capable of patching itself through the use of network automation then people need to step back and let the system manage itself.

Chuck Hollis

Thanks for a comment. Couldn't tell if you were sneaking a plug in there somewhere, but it was so subtle that I had to let it pass ... !

Robin Majumdar

Great article and very timely for me as we (re)embark on a fairly significant P2V VMWare project here and it looks like I might be that "cross-functional manager" for the deployment!



Awesome article and insight!
I guess I will be quoting from your blog in my presentation on VMware.

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Chuck Hollis

  • Chuck Hollis
    SVP, Oracle Converged Infrastructure Systems

    Chuck now works for Oracle, and is now deeply embroiled in IT infrastructure.

    Previously, he was with VMware for 2 years, and EMC for 18 years before that, most of them great.

    He enjoys speaking to customer and industry audiences about a variety of technology topics, and -- of course -- enjoys blogging.

    Chuck lives in Vero Beach, FL with his wife and four dogs when he's not traveling. In his spare time, Chuck is working on his second career as an aging rock musician.

    Warning: do not ever buy him a drink when there is a piano nearby.

    Note: these are my personal views, and aren't reviewed or approved by my employer.
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