Sorry, I need to get something off my chest.
And I may alienate a portion of the community in doing so.
But -- well -- something needs to be said.
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Sorry, I need to get something off my chest.
And I may alienate a portion of the community in doing so.
But -- well -- something needs to be said.
Posted at 05:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
I said that I'd share with you various stories as we learn to use our social media capabilities in new and interesting ways.
Well, one of those situations are upon us now. And, truth be told, we're handling it pretty well.
You see, we're using our internal platform to help communicate less-than-positive news internally.
Posted at 05:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
I still see many companies out there furiously searching for the magical "ROI" that will create the case for investing in social media proficiency.
Cynically, though, the very fact that they're looking for an ROI silver bullet that will somehow magically convince naysayers and other risk-adverse types is an oxymoron in itself, IMHO.
So, let me share the news. Today, we used our social media machine to accomplish something big and visible that we just couldn't have done any other way.
Continue reading "An Object Lesson On The Value Of Social Media Proficiency" »
Posted at 10:45 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
As we move along in our journey, I'm pleased to share with you the harder questions we have to wrestle with, how we're making our decisions, and how it all turns out -- for better or worse.
No one has written the definitive book on this stuff (yet!), so we all should feel free to use our best collective judgment in deciding to go one way or another.
And now, we're getting to a very interesting discussion on this whole "2.0 vs. 1.0" thing.
I don't have any answers yet, but it's turning out to be interesting, to say the least.
Posted at 03:14 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Had the experience of meeting a relatively new employee at EMC the other day -- she had been here for less than a year.
I mentioned that I was sorta involved in our internal and external proficiency efforts, including the EMC|ONE platform, and I came away with some new insights that were a bit surprising.
Posted at 06:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)