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March 03, 2008


Mark Dykeman

This is fascinating.

Are there many other large organizations doing this sort of thing?

Chuck Hollis

I haven't heard of any .. yet!

Michael Sampson

Chuck, thanks for your post. Have you spoken with the team at Attensa? My sense is that they can help you based on implicit attention analytics rather than explicit content rating.



hi Chuck,

If you haven't gotten a demo already, you should see the stuff we've put together for Clearspace 2.0 (which should be out in a couple weeks), especially around personalized homepages.




Just my 2 cents, but did you think about what they've been doing at Jive, i.e. use a mix of RSSAide, Yahoo! Pipes, and Netvibes to help them agregate RSS feeds, then filter them to get the most valuable info, and then displaying it?

I read a post on that on Jive's blog about 2-3 weeks ago, I think ....

Scott Niesen

hi Chuck

You're not the only company experiencing the challenge of social network scaling.

Attensa's intelligent prioritization is designed to help organizations deal with the information flow from successful collaboration projects.

Our feed readers use attention technology that notices your reading behaviors and patterns and matches these to content cues in the posts your are reading. In a very short time, Attensa learns what's important to you and gives you a view of your feeds and post that automatically drives the most relevant content to the top.

Attensa is a big fan of Jive Clearspace and I'd love to show you how we are using the combination of Attensa's managed RSS platform with Jive Clearspace. Shoot me an email is you're interested.


sniesen [at] attensa dot com


How do you plan on facilitating voting? Email, Clearspace Polls?, CrispyNews/Salesforce Ideas?

Justin Kistner

Chuck, you need a dashboard. Feed readers are a great place to start, and Attensa makes a great one.

Justin Kistner

Here are the posts that Xavier is referring to http://tinyurl.com/36w2xw and http://tinyurl.com/2w8ed6

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