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March 14, 2008


Rachel Happe

This is a great post - you've articulated, in a different way, many of the things I've been saying regarding the value of social computing: velocity, adaptability, better decision making, risk avoidance, retention, and training. Thanks for sharing.


It is about the big conversation as much as the smaller ones. And many companies have done Jam Sessions and idea management events - looking to leverage the collective intelligence out there.

In my experience, you do need to "manage" the process a little -- providing a focus for people and somehow be able to review/rate those ideas after the fact to see what's good & what's no so good. It's like picking a theme for the party.

For example, you decide you want to reduce energy costs. You have some directed "ideation" event looking for input from the masses. Kind of like the old suggestion box but in web 2.0 fashion.

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