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March 25, 2008


John Prichard

As you said, it definitely clarifies the objective of such an effort -- getting people to work together in more efficient ways and creating an environment that people want to work in. Our HR has a long standing initiative for making the new graduates/new employees not feel lost in a big machine and lose spirit and drive. When you think that these new graduates have already spent some time with social tools then working in this area seems "right".

John Prichard
[email protected]
Texas Instruments

Steve Todd

Great post, and I'd like to reinforce your point. I'm currently working on a social media initiative within EMC and have hit a roadblock. All of a sudden it occurred to me to pull HR into the situation, so I sat down for 10 minutes with my HR rep, and bam, things are starting to happen. I wasn't really sure why HR and SM make sense, but after reading your post things got a little clearer.

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