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January 10, 2008




Great write-up. Jive definitely makes a great product. However, if you don't have the budget or resources, there is another option. Check out GroupSwim. It is a viable alternative to Jive for on-demand online community. In addition to being very simple and easy to set up, it utilizes semantic technology to automatically tag and organize all content; this includes emails that are submitted to the community. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles that Clearspace has, but it is a great option depending on your requirements.



My manager and I are part of a huge company. Yesterday we evaluated Clearspace and we are impressed. I just found this post today and it summed it up for me.

Chuck Hollis

Glad you found this somewhat helpful ...


I can see a lot of benefits in using Clearspace. What I am curious is if you've been using it on everyday bases.

Chuck Hollis

Hi Vitaly -- the simple answer is, yes, we are.

Our implementation is a general purpose platform available to all EMC employees for any reasonable purpose.

As of this writing, we have around 3,000 named users (an a lot more unknown visitors), about 60 or so communities, and so on.

It's now part of our everyday life.

Does this answer your question?


Hi Chuck,

I would be interested in the list of alternative solutions you took a look at - could you send me the list?

that would be great


I second Peter. If you could send it by email, Chuck that would be great ... or why not post it here. One of the aspects of diligent decision making is known alternatives, and many of us would find this helpful!

Chuck Hollis

Guys, there's not much to share. The work we did is now over a year old; so much has changed since then -- although, I doubt we would change our choices.

Most of the work was around "what's important" vs. "what's not". And that can already be found on previous posts here ...

Adarsh mehta

Be sure that prices will surprise you.

Clearspace and Telligent are business class products, which combine the popular tools of social software such as blogs, groups, projects, tasks, discussions, polls etc. By using them for your company every day needs, you will experience the improvement of the communication between customers and your personnel, which will increase the loyalty of your clientele and your public image. This is quite important, don’t you think so?

One of the main tasks of every business is the creation of a solid team of colleagues. When every person is a part of a team, which works on a common task, the lively interest arises and joint efforts become more and more effective.

If you want to find the best way to solve your issues in Marketing and human resources and allow your personnel to discuss the problems together and share the ideas, Clearspace and Telligent are the products of your choice. The rich functionality and the reliability are the factors, that made Jive and Telligent Community leaders of the social community products. More than 15% of Fortune 500 companies use these solutions in their every day work.

You have the opportunity to purchase these products at a very affordable price, just contact me. Also professional team will help you to solve any configuration or usage issue.

You can contact me by email or MSN, and I will answer all your questions and help you to make the right choice.

Best regards,
Adarsh Mehta
mail: [email protected]
msn: [email protected]

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